Please do your best to submit print-ready artwork. Any changes, modifications, or corrections that need to be made after the proofing process can result in extra charges and delays in processing your order.

Carefully review your artwork before submitting Check for spelling errors in your copy Be sure that all fonts are outlined and images have been embedded
Image Resolution
Resolution in print terms refers to the number of dots per inch (dpi), or the amount of detail that an image has. Most documents prepared for upload should be 300 dpi at 100% of the final print size (See bag dimensions). Keep in mind that higher image quality can mean larger finished file and longer upload times.
Convert Registration / Rich Blacks to CMYK
Black color swatches should be 100% K (Black) only and should not contain any Cyan, Magenta, or Yellow. The use of a black built in all 4 colors may cause quality issues during printing and production. Black swatches that are converted from RGB to CMYK will automatically become a 4 color swatch and will need to be changed to 100% Black only in the swatches or color pallet of the program you are working in.

Convert Registration Rich Blacks to CMYK
Convert Spot Colors to Process
All Spot colors need to be converted to Process before submitting any artwork files. You can simply convert a Spot color to Process by selecting “Process” in the Color Type drop down.

Convert Spot Colors to Process
Trim/Crop Marks or Registration Marks
Please DO NOT include trim/crop marks or registration marks in your press ready files. Trim/Crop Marks are fine (hairline) horizontal and vertical rules that define where the page should be trimmed but are not needed for our process. Registration Marks are small “targets” outside the page area for aligning the different separations in a color document. Because of our digital print process, these marks are not necessary for our workflow.

Trim/Crop Marks or Registration Marks
Accepted File Types
Below is a list of acceptable file types for custom printed bags.
Adobe Acrobat Document (*.pdf) (recommended)
Adobe Illustrator Artwork (*.ai)
The outer graphical edge of your file that extends beyond the trim is what is referred to as the document bleed. To prevent any unwanted white borders on the finished bag, printapouch recommends extending all graphic design elements .125” beyond the dimensional trim size of each bag panel.
Converting Text to Outlines
Converting Text to Outlines
Often time designers or brand owners include unique non-standard fonts in the design of their bags. printapouch recommends that all fonts be converted to outlines to avoid font substitutions and unwanted text-related changes. You will need to convert all text to outlines (also known as curves). If you are using Adobe Illustrator OR Adobe InDesign please follow the steps below:
Barcode Size
The following provides a guideline for the size you should print the barcode on your product. This is very important if you require barcode verification. It is also a good guide for ensuring that your barcode scans correctly. Barcode size must be minimum 35 mm wide.

White Color:
You can use white color in your designs. You should highlight and note down where you used white color.

Line width:
Line widhts under 0.05 mm cannot be printed, please do not use line strokes under 0.05 mm in your designs.

Overlapping Colors in Design:
If your design has overlapping colors, these colors must be seperated with a stroke. The layers musn’t be overprinted.